As a student, remembering everything you need to know for back to school can be tough. Sometimes you need a little help to keep everything organized and easy to access. Password Genie is not just a password manager; it organizes all of your other personal information for secure access from school, home or on the go.  Here are some great ways to use Password Genie for more than just password management:

 Notes are handy reminders to keep you on track. You can save homework reminders or a copy of your class schedule, so you can stay ahead of the game.

 Insurance information, whether for health care or auto, can be saved for easy access. No more hassle searching for insurance cards at the doctor’s office or in your car.

 License plate numbers are frequently needed or asked for while signing up for student parking or during registration for security purposes. Save it in Password Genie on your mobile phone for easy access on the go.

 Passport or visa information can be stored securely with our 256-bit encryption, so you don’t have to carry it with you around campus or while studying abroad.

 Birthdays are another hard-to-remember item. Let Password Genie take care of them for you with birthday reminders that can be e-mailed up to 5 days beforehand so you have time to get a gift.

Using Password Genie on your personal computer and your mobile device allows you to synchronize data and take it with you on your mobile phone. Plus, Password Genie Mobile Premium allows you to add photos to the information you saved, so you’ll always have a digital copy of important documents in case you lose them. It’s like having your own personal assistant!

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